With my battle with Multiple Sclerosis, fatigue is a real symptom. It is difficult to sleep due to physical symptoms so that compounds the impact. How do I combat it? I lean into what gives me joy and excitement. That is spending time with people. I proactively reach out to people to learn, laugh, and love. It is not a hundred percent remedy, but it helps with the long days we all encounter.
In this first series of the new year, I share how I'm work on being productive while battling Multiple Sclerosis. It's a neurological disease that affects the nervous system. I was diagnosed in 2020, but like many felt some of the symptoms many years earlier. If you want additional information about Multiple Sclerosis, please go to the National MS Society Website (CLICK HERE,) or speak to your doctor. I thank all of you for being there and I hope to share info that may be of value in your life. You being productive is not about you, it's about spending time with those you love and care for |