Adversity. This is a term that seems pretty direct in its definition. However this is one hundred percent viewed in the lens of each person that uses it. I have been thinking about this a great deal lately and I have come to that conclusion. I was recently complaining to myself about what I perceive as of adversity to begin this year. The truth is my version of adversity is pretty mild when I view people outside of my bubble. I have a bounty that my family one generation ago could not imagine. I see people get very upset and get on television or make speeches about what is wrong with everything. They says things like this thing is not "great" or "everything is going in the wrong direction". I don't know what they are talking about. I haven't traveled all over the world, but there is a good reason why most people want to come here. Out blessings are so overwhelming and powerful that every second and every moment we should relish them.
Most of us live in the United States of America. The United States of America. Regardless of how we got here (and the struggles of the last two hundred plus years) , we are here. I don't want to be anywhere else. Most people want to be here with us. Tomorrow, most of us reading this can make a decision to totally change our life. Change jobs, Change cities, change relationships, are things we get to decide. Tomorrow morning we can do this! That is wonderful! A very short time ago in history most of the people on the planet had their lives predetermined for them before they were born. My goodness, what an amazing blessing we all have! We can learn, live, do bad, do good, right now. What an amazing representation of being human is our lives at this time. We also are the most philanthropic people on Earth. Stop beefing (complaining). Adversity is not whether gas prices are up or down. Adversity does not sound like whether someone in some political party believes what I believe. I know I said its defined by our own lens, but let's put it in the right context. 2016 is the best year to be alive in the United States of America ever. The good old days are now. I would destroy a time machine that tried to transport me to 1957. There is nothing for any of us there. We have learned as a people. There are many people on the earth who believe that TODAY may be there last day. They have to overcome adversity. Once we acknowledge our blessing each day, let's use our power as the greatest nation to help all we can as much as we can. I will take each moment I can to use that power. |