I have begun to get my weekend effectiveness back. Sometimes that includes time to do "nothing". Or whatever you or I want to do. Last week I met with some friends who are writers. It was amazing and we had an authentic conversation about writing and the trials and tribulations of our days in this era. We chatted about everything from race, to politics, to our common struggle and shared experience. These topics are usually "Third rails" or "off limits" in some groups. I really appreciated the candor and the being in the "now" with these friends. I love being a creative. My mind speeds up. My emotions heighten. I feel words more acutely. It and I felt and feel marvelous. This weekend, you probably have a list of items that you or someone else created. Get those things completed but don't beat yourself if it all doesn't get done. The point of a productivity system is to capture what you need, want, and wish to do. It is not to do it all on any given day. Take a moment, an hour, or half a day to just be with another soul. Really be with them. I guarantee you will feel your own spirit filled and energy replenished.