These are things, people, places, and events that have shaped my life in descending order. The reason why I chose fifty should be evident, but I will remind us as I go through this list. The reason why I picked the team that I have been following most of my life, is that I identify with many aspects of what makes them great and flawed. For those of you unfamiliar with this with organization, their last championship was before I was born (heh, heh, hint) and since then, they have been mired with mediocrity with a few twinkles of brilliance. I can count on one hand the amount of times of almost-success I have witnessed (through the television mostly).
My life has more than a few twinkles but the drudgery of the moments of not-yet-success are quite a few. Sometimes I forget that there have been quite a few moments of success and like many, wallow in the muck of what hasn’t happened yet. This becomes so poignant to me because every year, I feel the same highs and lows as a fan of this team. I am making these short now, but longer as we count down. Check out number fory nine very soon. J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS! |