I had a feeling today to write about a business topic that had been on my mind. I was then informed of friend that may have passed due to suicide. I am tired. Tired of seeing young, middle aged, and elderly friends and family be lost to this. I have personally felt this urge on a few occasions and it is powerful. I live in an awesome country where people are under such pressure that they are taking this route. I know it is complicated and the reasons various but it happening a ton. At least happening a ton from my vantage point. We have all been created to give light and creativity on this orb and this should...this must stop. I have been working on a creating an organization to help to give a platform for creativity. I will be asking for help as our mandate will be clear. As a young person that was shy, quiet, and reserved, I can see how this time and the mounting pressure from all sides can effect us. We are the richest humans in the history of the world, but we fear our health, our environment, and each other. I am sick of the fear. I am tired of the fear. We must protect each other from everything. Protect each other from threats internal and external. The fear cannot win. WE must do everything we can to fight the fear. It took almost half a century, but my purpose has never been more clear. Protecting each other is my mandate. It our mandate.